19 research outputs found

    Cluster Evaluation of Density Based Subspace Clustering

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    Clustering real world data often faced with curse of dimensionality, where real world data often consist of many dimensions. Multidimensional data clustering evaluation can be done through a density-based approach. Density approaches based on the paradigm introduced by DBSCAN clustering. In this approach, density of each object neighbours with MinPoints will be calculated. Cluster change will occur in accordance with changes in density of each object neighbours. The neighbours of each object typically determined using a distance function, for example the Euclidean distance. In this paper SUBCLU, FIRES and INSCY methods will be applied to clustering 6x1595 dimension synthetic datasets. IO Entropy, F1 Measure, coverage, accurate and time consumption used as evaluation performance parameters. Evaluation results showed SUBCLU method requires considerable time to process subspace clustering; however, its value coverage is better. Meanwhile INSCY method is better for accuracy comparing with two other methods, although consequence time calculation was longer.Comment: 6 pages, 15 figure

    The Design of Pre-Processing Multidimensional Data Based on Component Analysis

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    Increased implementation of new databases related to multidimensional data involving techniques to support efficient query process, create opportunities for more extensive research. Pre-processing is required because of lack of data attribute values, noisy data, errors, inconsistencies or outliers and differences in coding. Several types of pre-processing based on component analysis will be carried out for cleaning, data integration and transformation, as well as to reduce the dimensions. Component analysis can be done by statistical methods, with the aim to separate the various sources of data into a statistical pattern independent. This paper aims to improve the quality of pre-processed data based on component analysis. RapidMiner is used for data pre-processing using FastICA algorithm. Kernel K-mean is used to cluster the pre-processed data and Expectation Maximization (EM) is used to model. The model was tested using wisconsin breast cancer datasets, lung cancer datasets and prostate cancer datasets. The result shows that the performance of the cluster vector value is higher and the processing time is shorter

    A Comparative Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method to Cluster Implemented Course

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    There are many clustering methods, such as hierarchical clustering method. Most of the approaches to the clustering of variables encountered in the literature are of hierarchical type. The great majority of hierarchical approaches to the clustering of variables are of agglomerative nature. The agglomerative hierarchical approach to clustering starts with each observation as its own cluster and then continually groups the observations into increasingly larger groups. Higher Learning Institution (HLI) provides training to introduce final-year students to the real working environment. In this research will use Euclidean single linkage and complete linkage. MATLAB and HCE 3.5 software will used to train data and cluster course implemented during industrial training. This study indicates that different method will create a different number of clusters.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, published on Journal of Computing, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 201

    Clustering high dimensional data using subspace and projected clustering algorithms

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    Problem statement: Clustering has a number of techniques that have been developed in statistics, pattern recognition, data mining, and other fields. Subspace clustering enumerates clusters of objects in all subspaces of a dataset. It tends to produce many over lapping clusters. Approach: Subspace clustering and projected clustering are research areas for clustering in high dimensional spaces. In this research we experiment three clustering oriented algorithms, PROCLUS, P3C and STATPC. Results: In general, PROCLUS performs better in terms of time of calculation and produced the least number of un-clustered data while STATPC outperforms PROCLUS and P3C in the accuracy of both cluster points and relevant attributes found. Conclusions/Recommendations: In this study, we analyze in detail the properties of different data clustering method.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Density subspace clustering: a case study on perception of the required skill

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    This research aims to develop an improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection. The researches started with the problem were there are hidden data in a different space. Meanwhile the dimensionality increases, the farthest neighbour of data point expected to be almost as close as nearest neighbour for a wide range of data distributions and distance functions. In this case avoid the curse of dimensionality in multidimensional data and identify cluster in different subspace in multidimensional data are identified problem. However develop an improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection is important, also how to elaborate and testing subspace clustering based on density connection in educational data, especially how to ensure subspace clustering based on density connection can be used to justify higher learning institution required skill. Subspace clustering is projected as a search technique for grouping data or attributes in different clusters. Grouping done to identify the level of data density and to identify outliers or irrelevant data that will create each to cluster exist in a separate subset. This thesis proposed subspace clustering based on density connection, named DAta MIning subspace clusteRing Approach (DAMIRA), an improve of subspace clustering algorithm based on density connection. The main idea based on the density in each cluster is that any data has the minimum number of neighbouring data, where data density must be more than a certain threshold. In the early stage, the present research estimates density dimensions and the results are used as input data to determine the initial cluster based on density connection, using DBSCAN algorithm. Each dimension will be tested to investigate whether having a relationship with the data on another cluster, using proposed subspace clustering algorithms. If the data have a relationship, it will be classified as a subspace. Any data on the subspace clusters will then be tested again with DBSCAN algorithms, to look back on its density until a pure subspace cluster is finally found. The study used multidimensional data, such as benchmark datasets and real datasets. Real datasets are from education, particularly regarding the perception of students’ industrial training and from industries due to required skill. To verify the quality of the clustering obtained through proposed technique, we do DBSCAN, FIRES, INSCY, and SUBCLU. DAMIRA has successfully established very large number of clusters for each dataset while FIRES and INSCY have a high failure tendency to produce clusters in each subspace. SUBCLU and DAMIRA have no un-clustered real datasets; thus the perception of the results from the cluster will produce more accurate information. The clustering time for glass dataset and liver dataset using DAMIRA method is more than 20 times longer than the FIRES, INSCY and SUBCLU, meanwhile for job satisfaction dataset, DAMIRA has the shortest time compare to SUBCLU and INSCY methods. For larger and more complex data, the DAMIRA performance is more efficient than SUBCLU, but, still lower than the FIRES, INSCY, and DBSCAN. DAMIRA successfully clustered all of the data, while INSCY method has a lower coverage than FIRES method. For F1 Measure, SUBCLU method is better than FIRES, INSCY, and DAMIRA. This study present improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection, to cope with the challenges clustering in educational data mining, named as DAMIRA. This method can be used to justify perception of the required skill for higher learning institution

    Density based subspace clustering: a case study on perception of the required skill

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    This research aims to develop an improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection. The researches started with the problem were there are hidden data in a different space. Meanwhile the dimensionality increases, the farthest neighbour of data point expected to be almost as close as nearest neighbour for a wide range of data distributions and distance functions. In this case avoid the curse of dimensionality in multidimensional data and identify cluster in different subspace in multidimensional data are identified problem. However develop an improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection is important, also how to elaborate and testing subspace clustering based on density connection in educational data, especially how to ensure subspace clustering based on density connection can be used to justify higher learning institution required skill. Subspace clustering is projected as a search technique for grouping data or attributes in different clusters. Grouping done to identify the level of data density and to identify outliers or irrelevant data that will create each to cluster exist in a separate subset. This thesis proposed subspace clustering based on density connection, named DAta MIning subspace clusteRing Approach (DAMIRA), an improve of subspace clustering algorithm based on density connection. The main idea based on the density in each cluster is that any data has the minimum number of neighbouring data, where data density must be more than a certain threshold. In the early stage, the present research estimates density dimensions and the results are used as input data to determine the initial cluster based on density connection, using DBSCAN algorithm. Each dimension will be tested to investigate whether having a relationship with the data on another cluster, using proposed subspace clustering algorithms. If the data have a relationship, it will be classified as a subspace. Any data on the subspace clusters will then be tested again with DBSCAN algorithms, to look back on its density until a pure subspace cluster is finally found. The study used multidimensional data, such as benchmark datasets and real datasets. Real datasets are from education, particularly regarding the perception of students’ industrial training and from industries due to required skill. To verify the quality of the clustering obtained through proposed technique, we do DBSCAN, FIRES, INSCY, and SUBCLU. DAMIRA has successfully established very large number of clusters for each dataset while FIRES and INSCY have a high failure tendency to produce clusters in each subspace. SUBCLU and DAMIRA have no un-clustered real datasets; thus the perception of the results from the cluster will produce more accurate information. The clustering time for glass dataset and liver dataset using DAMIRA method is more than 20 times longer than the FIRES, INSCY and SUBCLU, meanwhile for job satisfaction dataset, DAMIRA has the shortest time compare to SUBCLU and INSCY methods. For larger and more complex data, the DAMIRA performance is more efficient than SUBCLU, but, still lower than the FIRES, INSCY, and DBSCAN. DAMIRA successfully clustered all of the data, while INSCY method has a lower coverage than FIRES method. For F1 Measure, SUBCLU method is better than FIRES, INSCY, and DAMIRA. This study present improved model for subspace clustering based on density connection, to cope with the challenges clustering in educational data mining, named as DAMIRA. This method can be used to justify perception of the required skill for higher learning institution

    Alternative Model for Extracting Multidimensional Data Based-on Comparative Dimension Reduction

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    In line with the technological developments, the current data tends to be multidimensional and high dimensional, which is more complex than conventional data and need dimension reduction. Dimension reduction is important in cluster analysis and creates a new representation for the data that is smaller in volume and has the same analytical results as the original representation. To obtain an efficient processing time while clustering and mitigate curse of dimensionality, a clustering process needs data reduction. This paper proposes an alternative model for extracting multidimensional data clustering based on comparative dimension reduction. We implemented five dimension reduction techniques such as ISOMAP (Isometric Feature Mapping), KernelPCA, LLE (Local Linear Embedded), Maximum Variance Unfolded (MVU), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results show that dimension reductions significantly shorten processing time and increased performance of cluster. DBSCAN within Kernel PCA and Super Vector within Kernel PCA have highest cluster performance compared with cluster without dimension reduction